How to Create a Guild in Free Fire? – A Complete Guide
Garena Free Fire offers a unique feature that is called the guild feature. This feature gives players a chance to group up with other like minded players and form a guild. It allows them to enjoy the battle royale title together. Join FF Advance server where you will find best players from all over the guilds.
Moreover, there are guild tournaments that make you earn the dog tags. They get added up, and once enough dog tags are added in a guild, it gives the opportunity to unlock various individual and guild rewards.
Similarly, when you are part of a guild, you can complete daily guild quests and earn guild tokens. These guild tokens can then be redeemed to get rewards from the in-game store. One of such rewards is the Name Change Card.
In Garena Free Fire, players can either build their own guild by using gold or diamond or they can also join other guilds by leaving. For joining other guilds a player needs to fulfill certain requirements of that guild.
Creating Guilds in Free Fire
If you are interested in creating a guild in Garena Free Fire you can follow the process described below.
Step 1: First step includes opening the Free Fire account by signing in and then going to the guild section.
Step 2: In the guild section, you will see a Create Guild Button on the bottom right corner. You will see that a guild info dialogue box appears.
Step 3: In the guild info dialogue box you will need to fix the specifics of your guild. This includes, name, slogan, guild badge region, style, approval method, level and rank.
Step 4: Creating a guild is not for free in Garena Free Fire. You will need to spend 5000 gold or 1000 diamonds in order to create a guild.
We suggest you use the gold option. Since you can earn gold while you will need to purchase diamonds from your real money.
Find a Unique Name for Your Guild
In Garena Free Fire, two guilds can not have the same name. Similarly, if you copy the monikers from other famous guilds, you will not have a unique identity as a guild. So, it is important to have a unique and powerful name for your guild.
You can also utilize a variety of fonts and symbols in order to make your guild name unique. You can also take inspiration from things around you or in your life or your overall gaming experience while naming your guild.
One more thing to keep in mind is that once you have finalized the name of your guild in Garena Free Fire, you can only change it by spending 500 diamonds. So, this is also another reason to be careful while naming your guild.
Recap – How to Create a Guild In Fre Fire
In this article, we discussed the guilds in the Garena Free Fire game. Guilds are a unique feature in this game. Guilds allow players to enjoy the battle royale title together. They can also get great in-game benefits by utilizing the guild tokens earned through guild quests. The process of creating a guild is quite straightforward. Just remember to name it carefully.
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